
Showing posts from 2007

Installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy on my desktop [finally]

Bush acknowledges existence of Carbon dioxide!!![not in a million years]

Global warming shunned by experts!!!


Mountain GIS e-conference around the corner

these dudes' got issues


Urban legend No. 2. Reusing PET jars causes you cancer!!!

AGLOGO going bust!!!

Only in America

I pronounce you Chuck and Larry [Homophobic America??]

wiki on gay celebrities

[scary stuff] Hacker sentenced to 110 years for extortion and hacking

random photoshop antics

I am facebooking, aren't you?

Things worth checking out on the web

Corporate Shirks Environment Responsibility (Ecowatch)!!!

Google Hottrends


Counterfeit Beer!!

never thought it would be this difficult!!

made myself visible on facebook!

testing my revamped blog

fire sale! Everything must go!

make money while you surf???


love india

faking biometrics!!

emotive chain letters

pirated DVDs

kudos to politics !!!

On what fafda jalebi is !!!