Wingardium Leviosa – levitation photography

Wingardium Leviosa is the levitation spell – the spell that makes things fly/hover. Most Harry Potter fans would swear by it. Here, this spell has a different connotation –  photographs of floating people. Inspired by the Japanese yowayowa blog and with hints and howtos from theDigital rev channel, I and Udayan decided on doing something similar – taking photographs of levitating people. We were fairly successful in getting our colleagues to join us in our endeavor and Udayan,  a true photo aficionado that he is, was ever bubbling with ideas. The venue – the campus at work, and our very good friends served as the models. With a lesser number of people and prying eyes likely to disturb us on a Sunday, the 1-2 hours that we managed to squeeze in between breaks during the practice for the cultural programme at work was time well spent.  Some of the photos turned out decent and some had more to be desired. We even planned on using  a hose and a trolley as props, but those will likely follow in the days to come. For now, we managed to use an umbrella and a schedule as props.




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