tag cloud from wordle!

http://www.wordle.net/. Images of Wordles are licensed Creative Commons License.

Pasted below is my "word cloud" generated from Wordle simply by providing my URI, which I tried out after reading a post on the Km4dev discussion forum.

The FAQs listed on the wordle website mention that the size of the words in the "word cloud" is determined by the frequency of the words in the text or webpage provided.  I doubt if Climate change is the most frequented words/phrase used across my blog. Moreover, I have only 5 posts tagged with "Climate Change" as opposed to 23 posts tagged with "musings" and 15 posts tagged with "random" to date. Surprisingly, climate and change are the largest words in the generated "world cloud".

This is rather strange but nevertheless, the java applet produced a neat juxtaposition of words, which makes a befitting post along with my rambles.

Try it out for your self at http://www.wordle.net/

Thanks to Sarah Cummings and km4dev forums for the update!


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